Nascimento Rodrigues, based in Lisbon, is a
Portuguese editor of Web portals, such as (launched in 1995), and
(in three languages,
launched in 2000). He is contributor to the
Portuguese weekly newspaper Expresso,
since 1983, and executive editor of Revista
Portuguesa e Brasileira de Gestão
(Portuguese and Brazilian Management Review). In
the 1980s he founded the science & technology
magazine FUTURO. He is also the executive editor
of the Centro Atlântico Publishing House and
co-author in Portuguese, English and Spanish of
an array of books on selected topics related to
geo-economics and management.
Tessaleno Campos Devezas, based in
Covilhã, Portugal, is Associate Professor with
Habilitation at the Faculty of Engineering of
the University of Beira Interior, Covilhã, where
he teaches and researches in the field of
Materials Science and Technological Forecasting
and leads the Working Group in Technological
Forecasting and Innovation Theory. He is a
member of the World Future Society, World
Futures Studies Federation and International
Kondratieff Society and member of the Advisory
Board of the periodical Technological
Forecasting & Social Change. Prof. Devezas
earned a BSc in Physics in 1970 at the
University of the Estado do Rio de Janeiro
(Brazil), a MSc in Materials Science in 1974
with the Instituto Militar de Engenharia (Rio de
Janeiro, Brazil), and a PhD in Materials
Engineering in 1981 at the University
Erlangen-Nürnberg (Germany). In 2002 he was
honored with the “Elsevier Best Paper Prize” for
his paper proposing a model explaining the
mechanism underlying the long economic waves
(Kondratieff waves). In 2004 he was awarded with
the Kondratieff Medal by the Russian Academy of
Natural Sciences for his written contributions
to the understanding of the Kondratieff waves.
He is the editor of the books Kondratieff
Waves, Warfare and World Security (2006, IOS
Press, Amsterdam) and Globalization as
Evolutionary Process (2007, Routledge,
London) and has more than 50 publications in
international periodicals.